Legend - Real #6 - Katy Evans

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Sum up: (Goodreads)

Maverick “the Avenger” Cage wants to rise to the top and become a legend in the ring. Though he keeps his identity well guarded, he's known on the fighting circuit as the new kid with a chip on his shoulder and a tattoo on his back that marks him as trouble. He's got a personal score to settle with the Underground's one and only Remington "Riptide" Tate.

As Mav trains, he meets a young girl—the only other new person in the town--and sparks fly. When things get heated between them, he finds out she's none other than Reese Dumas, the cousin of Remington Tate’s wife. A girl who's supposed to root against him and a girl he's supposed to stay away from.

But Maverick fights for the woman in his heart, and the monsters in his blood. The world’s eyes are on them and the victor will go down in history as the ultimate fighting champion; the ultimate LEGEND.

Legend  - Real #6 - Katy Evans

Some scenes contain sexual and violent contents that may offend sensibilities of readers.

Legend can  be read as a standalone novel. 


This book settles three years after the end of Mine by Katy Evans. Brooke and Remy are happily married and they have a beautiful baby boy called Racer who just turned three years old.

Now meet Reese Dumas, Brooke’s cousin, who comes to Seattle for some changes in her life. During her time at Seattle, she is to take care of Racer — Brooke and Remington’s son — and she also seizes the opportunity to start practicing and go to the gym. She wants to change... no, she needs to change. 

She never expected to meet an angry, determined man called Maverick by a summer day at the gym. Without any gym pass, he was about to get kicked out when she came to his rescue.

He stops a few feet away from them and stands there in the cockiest, most challenging way I’ve ever seen. Almost as if he’s waiting to be kicked out.“We need you to come with us and confirm membership at the front desk,” one of the guys says threateningly.I stop the treadmill and suddenly step down. “He’s with me.”The guy and the security guards turn in my direction, and I nod quickly. “He came with me.” I pull out my gym card.

She has no idea who he is but she sees him everyday training at boxing and she knows that something in him appeals to her.

Maverick has only known deception and abandon since he was a little boy. His dad left his mum before he could even know he had a son and everyone is turning their back on him. His father was a former famous professional of boxing. But he died and now his name is tainting any possible professional career Maverick could have dreamed of.

“You’re his boy.”I freeze midsignature.A second ticks by. Then two.I slowly set the pen down and take one last look at the paper. I might not get to fill it out after all. I turn.His face has paled.I wait it out for a few beats. Maybe he’s different. Maybe he can deal with it.He tosses my jacket at me. “Get out. Nobody wants to see you fight.”

No matter how many times doors close to his face, he will stop at nothing to enter the championship even if it means allying with a drunk former coach who cannot even see straight. After all, he just needs his signature on a paper so he can participate, right?

But things change when he meets Reese. She may be the only person he was waiting for. The more they meet at the gym, the more the chemistry becomes stronger between the two of them. When they finally get the nerves to talk to each other, they find that they have much more in common that they first thought… Can they fight each other's ghosts from the past?


This book is my favorite by far of this series (and we’re talking moon-and-back distance). I fell in love with Remington Tate and Brooke Dumas in the first three books of this series and I liked Rogue — even though it was under Real and Mine — and I was not interested in reading Ripped because the characters simply did not appeal to me. But this one, this one was pure magic. I feel like I could read a thousand times and never get bored of it.

Let me explain now why I love this book so much:

Because of the themes evoked in this book: alcoholism, addiction, self-hatred, rejection, identity crisis... This story revolves around two kids who want to succeed in life but life gets in their way.

He grabs the doorknob but waits a moment. “You’re in an identity crisis. Who you think you are and where you come from versus who you can be and where you’re going. I can relate.”I laugh. “How can you ever relate to that?”“I’m bipolar.” He looks me in the eye, unflinching. “So yeah, I can relate with the monsters inside. Mine’s in my head. Yours is in your blood. Don’t let it win.”He jerks the door open, and adds, “That’s our real fight. The one that lasts a lifetime. The hardest to win. You win that, a fight like tomorrow’s is a piece of cake.”

Because both of the main characters come from nothing but they want to prove the world that they are worth it. They want more and they want to show the world who they truly are and not what they were. But most of all, they know they can rely on each other, no matter what.

He tucks the page back into his jeans. “I had to tell someone.”“And you came to tell me?” If I sound bewildered, it’s because I am.He stares into me, a liquid look coming to his eyes. “It wouldn’t be happening if it weren’t for you."

Because the love story is simple, almost innocent at the beginning, but it is intense, possessive and scary. Falling in love can be the most beautiful and yet scariest feeling ever. Both characters realize quickly that they want each other but because of their pasts and families, it may not be that easy. And yet, they want to give each other a chance, a chance that others did not give them. 

His gaze feels so probing all of a sudden; he looks at me as if he’s been waiting for me for a long time. I feel like I too have been waiting for him for a long time.
It makes no sense. It’s just a look, and just a feeling.
You never know what really lies under a look and you can’t apply reason to every feeling. But it’s all there. Tangible, palpable. As though there’s a string between us, one end in him, and the other end in me.

Because this book in general is about determination, will-power, trust, loyalty, second chances, challenges… You need to know who you are so you can be who you want to be. Maverick wants to follow his dreams and he will stop at nothing to achieve it. Reese is craving to know who she truly is. 

Because we got to see Brooke, Remington and their son.

Anyway, this book put stars in my eyes and love in my heart, so you should definitely read it even as a standalone novel. This truly deserves to be world-wide-known. 


"I don’t want to be nice,” I blurt out. “I want to be un-nice. Badass and special and unforgettable. People mistake nice with weak, and I’m not weak.” A man as hard as Maverick should despise weakness.“I don’t think you’re weak. It takes strength to be kind,” he says in a haunted tone. But his eyes gleam in approval of me. 

“I think of you.” He reaches out with his bruised-knuckled right hand and touches my face. All of Maverick Cage’s fingers are on my face. “I think of you a lot.” He searches my face and his thumb caresses my chin so briefly, but so powerfully, my knees feel like overbaked cake. “I think of kissing you,” he says.I feel like he’s kissing me now, with his metal eyes. Kissing me and making me fly.His lips are so beautiful, I can’t take my eyes off them all of a sudden.

I think we’re here because it feels right. Because we are impossibly, irreparably drawn to each other. 

“You have the world’s prettiest face,” he says. “On the prettiest body. With the prettiest smile. And a voice I think of when it’s all quiet.”

“I’m on fire when I look at you,” he says, his voice reverent and his gaze electric on me. “You decimated me just now.”

“You were made to be mine,” he says against my lips, kissing me between breaths.“You know that?” he asks. “You’re mine. My hands were made to touch you; my lips were made to love you,” he says as he sucks along my neck, his tongue trailing down my throat.He goes lower and bites my shirt, pulling it down with his teeth, kissing my chest.“My eyes were meant to see you,” he whispers in his voice of thunder as he slowly unbuttons my shirt. 

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