Confess - Colleen Hoover

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Sum up (Goodreads):

Auburn Reed has her entire life mapped out. Her goals are in sight and there’s no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn’t expect to find a deep attraction to the enigmatic artist who works there, Owen Gentry.

For once, Auburn takes a risk and puts her heart in control, only to discover Owen is keeping major secrets from coming out. The magnitude of his past threatens to destroy everything important to Auburn, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it.

The last thing Owen wants is to lose Auburn, but he can’t seem to convince her that truth is sometimes as subjective as art. All he would have to do to save their relationship is confess. But in this case, the confession could be much more destructive than the actual sin…

Confess Review - Colleen Hoover


Auburn is a young woman who fell in love at a very young age. She fell in love with a boy named Adam and for whom she would have given the world. But he died and Auburn was left by herself in a world she did not understand fully yet.

A few years later, Auburn left Portland where she grew up for Texas. She only came once to Texas and it was to bid her farewell to Adam. Now she is looking for another chance at life. She needs to hire a lawyer to help her with a situation that has been dragging for four years. But lawyers do not come with cheap price. Because of that, Auburn will have to look for a second job and this is actually when her life will take an unexpected turn.

I pause and look into the glass window of one of the buildings to check for smeared mascara. I take in my reflection and don’t like what I see.

A girl who hates the choices she’s made in her life.

A girl who hates her career.

A girl who misses Portland.

A girl who desperately needs a second job, and now a girl who is reading the HELP WANTED sign she just noticed in the window. 

See, this place is called Confess and basically, people write everyday confessions about the lies they told and the suffering they caused when it actually is a painting studio. Its owner - Owen Gentry (who is ridiculously hot) - is desperately looking for help and Auburn is also desperately looking for help.

Owen promises her $200 if he helps her out for his showing. Auburn is quickly fascinated by his masterpieces painted from strangers' confessions and by him.

Owen hasn't had an easy life. He lost his brother and his mother and since then, he alternated between real world and jail. But most of all, when Auburn seems to come out of nowhere, he never admitted that he knew her from the past.

They are the past and this is the present, and Auburn is... somehow both. She would be shocked if she knew how much of her past has affected my present, which is why I won't be sharing the truth with her. Some secrets should never turn into confessions.

And the problem is that both characters have huge secrets suffocating their lives. They know about survival but they do not remember what it is to live life at its fullest until they meet. Being together could be their saving and their loss. 


I just finished this book and wow! it was quite a ride. I have to admit that when I started this book I really did not expect this. I thought it would be just some normal YA story and yet, it turned out to be completely different.
I have to admit that I was slightly taken aback with their young age. They are supposed to be respectively 20 and 21 years old and yet, they had such maturity and bad experiences in their lives that I imagined more around 24-25 years old but it did not stop me from loving the story.

I just felt overwhelmed with all the emotions the author was pouring in this story: the story of two teenagers who are adults in more ways than just one. This story was completely unpredictable. The more we go into the story, the more the characters are revealing secrets the readers could not have expected.

From time to time, I hated that Auburn would bring herself down like that and would accept everything from people. But at least at the end she stood up for herself. 

This book is about so much more a YA story. It is about sacrifice, the extend you can go to in order to help someone you care about without jeopardizing your life, love, confessions, lies and secrets... 

I strongly recommend this book!


"Your initials are really OMG?” I bite the inside of my cheek, forcing back the smile I don’t want him to see.

"What’s your cat’s name?”

Owen reaches over and runs his fingers through the cat’s mane. “Owen.”

I immediately laugh at his joke, but his expression remains calm. I pause for a few seconds, waiting for him to laugh, but he doesn’t.

“You named your cat after yourself? Seriously?”
He looks at me and I can see the slightest smile playing at the corner of his mouth. He shrugs, almost bashfully. “She reminded me of myself.”
I laugh again. “She? You named a girl cat Owen?”
He looks down at Owen-Cat and continues to pet her as I hold her. “Shh,” he says quietly. “She can understand you. Don’t give her a complex."

I’ve never felt stronger than I feel when I’m with her. I’ve never felt like I had a purpose like I feel when I’m with her. I think about the first words I said to her when she showed up at my door. “Are you here to save me?”

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