Silver Bastard - Silver Valley #1 - Joanna Wylde

01:20:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum up: (Goodreads)
Fourteen months. For fourteen months, Puck Redhouse sat in a cell and kept his mouth shut, protecting the Silver Bastards MC from their enemies. Then he was free and it was time for his reward—full membership in the club, along with a party to celebrate. That’s when he saw Becca Jones for the first time and set everything in motion. Before the night ended he’d violated his parole and stolen her away from everything she knew.

Five years. It was five years ago that Puck destroyed Becca and saved her all in one night. She’s been terrified of him ever since, but she’s even more terrified of the monsters he still protects her from... But Becca refuses to let fear control her. She’s living her life and moving forward, until she gets a phone call from the past she can't ignore. She has to go back, and there’s only one man she can trust to go with her—the ex-con biker who rescued her once before.

Puck will help her again, but this time it’ll be on his terms. No more lies, no more tears, and no more holding back what he really wants...

Silver Bastard - Joanna Wylde

Some scenes contain sexual and violent contents that may offend sensibilities of readers. 


Note beforehand: I suggest you to read Reapers MC before reading Silver Bastard. 

We already had glimpses of Puck in the Reapers MC series. He is Painter's best friend since they did time together. He was just released from prison with Painter and their MC organized a huge party at one of the Longneck's (another MC) hang-around. After fourteen months behind bars, Puck needs some release and this is when Becca Jones caught his eyes. She is beautiful and he felt like it is love (or at least lust) at first sight. One thing to know: when Pucks wants something or someone, he will stop at nothing to have it or her. 
Teeny - the hang-around who threw the party - noticed that Puck saw Becca. As she is his step-daughter, he feels like he has to control her. He forces her to do whatever would please Puck. Puck - oblivious to what is happening - just wants to have a good time with this woman. But everything does not go as planned. 
The next morning, he finds out that Becca is actually 16 and she is pimped out by her step-father to every MC members. Puck loses it and he beats Teeny up. He orders Becca to take some of her stuff and to leave with him.

"Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me, Puck. Things were fucked up and wrong, but you saved my life." 

Now five years later, Becca has her life back in control. She is studying to be a hairdresser and she works at a diner. Puck and Becca live in the same town but they almost never see each other. 
Puck always had a special place in Becca's heart. He brought her to a safe place where she could figure out what she wanted to do and who she wanted to become. But she is also scared of her feelings for him.
Puck always felt guilty for what happened that night when he was released from prison. He does not regret what happened that night as it remains for him one of the best nights of his life. 

Some events will bring them back together and this time, there is no turning back... 

Incredible how I love all the series by Joanna Wylde. This woman is truly gifted! 

I was always curious about Puck's story and I was happy when he found Becca. She is a fierce girl who grew to a beautiful woman. Despite everything that happened to her, she remained pure. She never let it destroy her and she never wallowed in self-pity.

Someday I’d be classy if it killed me—probably not today, though.
She works hard and nothing will come between her and her future. Well, unless Puck stands on her way.

Puck... Ah, Puck! I fell in love with him. I liked that we had his POV and Becca's. He feels guilty for having a great moment with Becca five years ago when she was actually constrained to have sex with him. He always watched her from far away but he could not deny he has a soft spot for her. 

One thing is for sure, when he finally decides to claim Becca, there is nothing she can do to resist it. I know, the feminist in me cringes but Becca actually wants to be loved by Puck but she refuses to admit it.

“We’ve been in a relationship for five years now,” Puck said, his voice hard. “It wasn’t normal, it wasn’t exclusive . . . Hell, I don’t know what the fuck it was, but we both know that’s the truth. Whatever’s between us, it’s been there since the first night we met.”

The chemistry between the two of them is undeniable. Every time they meet, it is explosive! It has been building for five years and now it is just off-charts. 

There are a lot of things happening in this book: fights, destruction, kidnapping, murders... Wow! It was a real roller-coaster.
It just got on my nerves that Becca let her mother manipulates her so easily. Every time she calls, Becca is running to her like a puppy when her mother did not hesitate to sell her to men when she was barely a child. Every time Puck called her on her s***, she said something very hurtful. 

I really cannot wait to read the second book. I read that Joanna Wylde won't do a MC series for the Silver Valley series. It will only focus on categories of people living there. The way it finishes, I just want to know what will happen! 

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