Blaze - Dark In You #2 - Suzanne Wright

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Sum up: (Goodreads)

Defeat the enemy. Win the boy. Live happily ever after. But life "ever after" isn't as easy as it used to be. Harper's gone from being a member of a small demon lair to co-Prime of one of the most powerful lairs in the US with a mate who, though hot as hell, is just a mite overprotective - I mean, you get kidnapped by dark practitioners just once ...

Then one of Knox's demons goes rogue, and in his madness decides Knox Thorne must die. Harper's worried. Knox isn't - at least until he discovers his mate's willingness to get between him and danger.

Now, Knox has a new priority: Keep Harper safe matter what it takes. But Harper begins to suspect there's more danger than one rogue demon. It seems the combined strength of Harper and Knox has upset the balance of power in the demon world and there are those who are determined to right that wrong. Because when you move up the food chain, sometimes the other predators just want to take a bigger bite.

Blaze - Burn #2 - Suzanne Wright

Some scenes contain sexual and violent contents that may offend sensibilities of readers.


Harper and Knox thought that the harder part was behind them and that they could now dedicate their time to each other. But that was before one of Knox’s demons turn rogue and declares that any child Knox and Harper will have will destroy the world. Invested of a mission, he goes first after Harper’s mother and he removed all of her reproductive organs to make her regret giving birth to Harper, and then he decides that Knox has to die. Everytime Knox and his sentinels are close to get him, he vanishes.

Meanwhile, Harper still struggles with her position as a Co-Prime. She is now considered as a celebrity for the humans and all the demons want to have a look at her for being Knox’s mate. But being on the public stage makes her an easy target for Knox’ exes — who do not believe that Harper really is Knox’s mate — and new villains who want power.

Danger has never been so close and it could make Harper and Knox lose control over their demons but it could also affect their relationship as mates. When they understand that this new threat objective is to destroy all the Primes in the U.S. but to do so, they have to destroy Knox first, Harper will stop at nothing to protect him, even if it means direct the danger towards her…


Wow! I think I definitely preferred the second book than the first one. In the first book, the events and the love story were rushed. Even though this book felt like it was too short and we came too quickly to the conclusion, I liked that we saw Harper and Knox struggling to compromise on things and struggle and argue. They love each other but they are also extreme and it is hard for them to find a common ground when it comes to the safety of each other.

Harper is still faithful to herself: she is loyal, fierce, honest… She doesn’t take s*it from everyone. I like how she can be vindicative. She is so funny when she is pissed: sewing sequin on people’s clothes is just too funny! She is more in love than ever but sometimes, mating with a powerful, well-known demon has its bad sides. She constantly has bodyguards with her, she is repeatedly bugged and threatened by Knox’s exes but she doesn’t let it get to her. What does get to her is when her so-called mother is kidnapped. She shouldn’t feel guilty and yet, she does. She always cares deeply for people.

Knox… well, Knox is just melting my heart, more than in the first book. He wants nothing more than to protect Harper and make sure that she is never endangered because of him. But when he fails to protect her, this is when they have their very first argument and seeing him begging Harper to come home with him was just… too much. However, I was kind of bugged by some gestures Knox had. Instead of holding hands, he has a tendency of holding wrists or cup her elbows. I find it to be a kidnapper gesture — like she is his prisoner —, not a lover gesture.

As usual, we saw the Imps family: Jolene, Khloë, Rainy, Devon… I really like the Imps because they don’t take anything seriously: politics, life, people… When they went to the Xpress Bar to get drunk, I just couldn’t take it. And Jolene’s relationship with Lucifer is hilarious. They cannot stop bugging each other. Imps are just not scared of anything or anyone. Harper and Jolene love toying with Malden by calling him Malcom or pretend to forget his name is just hilarious. He always gets upset and yet, they keep on bugging him.

I love Knox’s sentinels. I would really want to see a spinoff series following them on their quests for their mates. I especially want to see how the relationship between Devon and Tanner will evolve. The two of them together are hilarious. I think they deserve their own standalone novel. And I would be curious to know what could happen between Khloë and Kennan…


Harper raised her brows. The dolphin had been doing her homework.
Devon looked at Harper. “I’ve always said that a crazy ex can do better research than law enforcement.”

Alethea’s eyes widened. “Crazy ex?”
Khloë patted the bitch’s shoulder.
“Don’t beat yourself up about being a nut job. Facebook’s made stalkers out of us all."

"Just because you’re, like, super powerful doesn’t mean people shouldn’t defend you.” But he was looking at her like she was a cute harmless little bunny that was obviously on drugs. She sighed. “You’re still not fearing my mighty wrath.”“I’m trying.”“One day I will unleash it and you will flee in terror. Why are you laughing? It’s only the truth. A sphinx in full-on berserker-mode can wreak major destruction and instill fear into the hearts of all who… stop laughing!"

"Want to know what else I heard you did at the bar?”“I don’t think I do.”“You used your red lipstick to scribble ‘Alethea is a skanky hoe’ on the bathroom mirror.”In her opinion, truer words had never been spoken – well, scribbled. Her demon agreed.“You almost yacked in the Bentley.”Oh, God. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut. “Stop.”“We had to pull over so you could vomit in a bush.”“Stop.”“Then you got back in the car and said, ‘Taco Bell, anyone?’”“Stop.”

Devon sighed at the spectacle. “You know… I sometimes look at how well-organized, precise, and fearless Khloë can be and think, ‘Wow, she’d make an excellent army general.’ But then I remember it would only be a matter of time before she’d be shot by her own troops."

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