Ashes - Dark In You #3 - Suzanne Wright

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Sum up: (Goodreads)

Knox and Harper's story continues as the Las Vegas lair - and its two infamous Co-Primes - face their most terrifying enemy yet . . .

Together, Harper and Knox have overcome just about every evil thing you can think of - from Horsemen of the Apocalypse to dark magic practitioners to Lucifer's insistent belief that he's hilarious. They're looking forward to some well-earned downtime - until Harper is attacked by mercenaries in the middle of her tattoo shop. Worse still, the attackers are trying to take her wings - the ones no one is meant to know she even has.

It's a near miss and once a furious Knox has managed to pull his demon back into line there's only one thing clear - someone knows Harper's secrets and is systematically setting out to destroy her. It seems likely that someone is the third Horseman - but how do they know so much about Harper? It seems the impossible might be true - they have an enemy hiding at the very heart of the lair.

To survive Harper will need to embrace power that's darker than she's ever experienced and even Knox can't protect her from everything - though God knows nothing's going to stop him trying. The stakes have never been higher, for if Harper's taken by this new threat, Knox won't be able to stop his demon from taking a vicious pleasure in tearing the world apart . . .

Ashes - Dark In You #3 - Suzanne Wright

Some scenes contain sexual and violent contents that may offend sensibilities of readers.



A few months after the incidents that occurred, Harper and Knox were hoping for a bit of tranquility. But that was before Harper was attacked by hunters who wanted to steal her wings. She barely makes it out safely. The more they try to figure out who planned this attack, the more blurry everything becomes. Impossible to know if it could be allies or foes of them that wanted her wings.

But a murder requires their full attention too. When a demon-kid is discovered among humans after his adoptive human mother tried to burn him in an oven thinking he was a monster, Harper and Knox decide to take him under their wings and give his care to a couple from their lair who struggled to have children on their own. But something about this kid rubs them wrong. He is emotionless. Worse, he sees his demon as a paternal figure. When murders keep accumulated around the kid, could he be a bigger threat than they thought?

The faster the events accelerated, the closer danger is getting from Knox and Harper and one unforeseen piece of news could unbalance everything….



I am totally in love with this book. I do not know if it will be the final book or no because I still feel like there are some questions left unanswered but I just loved it. Action, suspens, villains, murders, babies, psychopaths… You just have everything in this book.

Harper is more and more a badass. She is completely devoted to Knox but she knows where to draw her limits. Having a baby also made her even more badass. Her demon rides her hard to be overprotective of everyone, which leads her to take time off work. I loved seeing her as a mom with her uncertainties and her doubts and yet, she will not hesitate to kill anyone who would try to hurt her mate or her baby.

Knox is just perfection. Seeing him with a baby is enough to make my heart melt and to beg him to take me as his mate (I can still dream, right?). Now that Harper is pregnant he is even more protective than he was before. He is completely devoted to her and her happiness and I really liked that he listened to her and what she needed. He will stop at nothing to protect her and his baby from any harm.

I felt like we saw a bit less of the second characters. We still saw them but because Harper had to take some time off from her work, we didn’t see much her family and there were less attraction between Tanner and Devon, which I really missed. I love these two. They are just perfect for each other.

This book contains quite some actions. I really couldn't put it down once I started it. It was just brilliant in a very cheesy way. I loved the introduction of the psychopath child. It added some mystery and suspens on who could be behind all these murders. I almost felt as if I was reading a Stephen King book.

The storyline was really well built around the Four Horsemen. I was just slightly disappointed that we didn’t get to see more of them. I mean, they took most of the storyline in the second book and here, we didn’t see them much. They were just a threat in the wind. Characters kept talking about them but we had to wait until the end to finally meet them all (well, all… there were only two still standing). But I really liked that we had no idea who could be behind all the threats. Everyone suspected everyone and it felt nice to not everything and everyone for granted.

The only negative point in this book was the grammatical mistakes. I think some words were missing. It bugged me but I really wanted to know what would happen, so I didn’t focus on it too much. But what really frustrated me was to always find the same sentences in the three books: « Naked, he truly was a sight to behold. Not an ounce of fat there. ». Some sentences are just the same over and over again. But that’s it for the negative side!

So if you like Alpha-male deciding everything, a strong-headed heroine, then this book is for you. I can only hope that I will see more of these beloved characters soon.


"There are three stages to a demonic pregnancy. I call them infestation, oppression, and possession.”She paused with the bottle close to her mouth. “Aren’t those the stages of demonic possession?”Smiling, he shrugged. “Pregnancy is pretty much the same thing.”“No, it’s really not.” She cocked her head. “Anyone ever told you that you have the oddest sense of humor?”“Once or twice."

Head tilted, Lou looked at her curiously. “Are you… are you trying to appeal to my conscience?” He snorted. “That inner voice gave up on me a long time ago. Honestly, trying to make me feel bad is more pointless than the ‘ay’ in ‘okay’. If self-centeredness could bounce, I’d be in orbit. And wouldn’t that be fun?”Harper sighed. “At least you’re honest about it.”“My shrink says I shouldn’t hold things in or pretend to be what I’m not. He says I should just be myself.”“Yeah, that was bad advice.”“And yet, I have a fan club,” Lou said smugly. “Several.”“You mean you have Satanic cults that worship you.”“Yeah,” he muttered, seemingly unimpressed by them.

Knox rubbed her leg. “I didn’t think I’d ever have this. Someone who was mine. A child. A family. Didn’t see it coming.” His face hardened as he added, “I’ll fight to the death to protect and keep what we have."

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