Nash - The Skulls #3 - Sam Crescent

00:55:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum up: (Goodreads)

The biggest mistake he’s ever made could get him killed.

The Skulls have a set of rules, and Nash has broken one of them. He’s using drugs. Since Sophia rejected him, Nash has been spiraling out of control. When he puts Eva’s life in danger it’s up to Nash’s brother Lash to save him from himself.

Sophia never realized the protection The Skulls provided her until she was attacked. Lash saved her but with an ultimatum. She helps save his brother, or he makes it known she’s not under Skull protection.

Sophia’s feelings for Nash have always been her weakness. As she keeps her word to his brother, trying to help Nash overcome his addiction, the two of them grow closer through his pain, and Sophia realizes she cannot run any longer.

However, The Skulls’ enemies are numerous, and Nash’s careless behavior has exposed the whole club to danger. Someone is plotting against the club in the hope to take control of the town, and they’re going to start with Nash. Can he stay strong as his life and that of his woman are endangered, or will he relapse into the drugs?

Some scenes contain sexual and violent contents that may offend sensibilities of readers.


Advice: read the first two books of this series: Lash and Murphy to fully understand the setting.

We start right where we left at the end of Murphy. Nash has been in love with Sophia since he started seeing her sister, Kate. With her death, he secretly hoped that Sophia could be his. But she is not ready. Not yet. Even though Kate has always been awful to her, she cannot forget all these times she saw them together. Deep down, she is scared. Scared of what she feels for him. But after one kiss that left her hanging for more, she takes the decision to stop seeing him at all. Leaving him with only a box of Kate's stuff, she decides to move on. But it may not be that easy.

Sophia said no. Nash has never taken well when someone told him no. But when it is the woman he loves more than anything else, he just loses it. Finding a bag of drugs in Kate's stuff, he makes a decision that could cost him his club and his life. Throughout the weeks that follow, everyone around him notices his physical and behavioral changes but it is only when he barely misses shooting at Eva's head that things escalate.

Lash decides to take matters in his own hands and gives him a proper detox. For his plan to work, he needs Sophia. She will be the key element, especially when he finds her in a tough position.

Having to work two jobs to be able to pay for her rent leaves her with nothing but having to bear the constant sexual assaults of her co-workers. When Lash offers her a way out by taking care of Nash, she finds a way to take back the man she was secretly waiting for.

But The Skulls have many ennemies lurking in the shadows and Nash's drug weakness was the perfect way for them to finally get into the city and break down the club...


Welcome back to The Skulls family! They have their own rules, their own codes and unfortunately, Nash just broke one of the most sacred rule. We have seen Nash previously, falling in love with the sister of a woman he could barely see, and now we see him at his worst. 

There are many things happening in this book. I really liked the storyline Sam Crescent gave us here. We see one of our favorite member falling from grace (if we can say) and the fight The Skulls have on their hands with the druggies who target their women. This book is emotional, even though less than for Murphy (personal opinion).

Even though I liked Sophia, I thought she changed way too quickly her mind about her feelings for Nash. She refuses Nash at first because he was with her sister, then because she was not ready to go there with him and finally, she admits that it was because she loved him too much and she was scared. I liked though that we saw her blossom. She was first an innocent woman grieving her lost (not nice) sister and then, she grew up to be a sensual, bloodthirsty woman. 

Nash was really not nice in this book (at least, at the beginning). When he is on drugs, he is mean to everyone, even to the poor Sophia by calling her names. The cleaner he gets, the sweeter he is. We witness his struggle and we finally see a man who is afraid. Afraid of what he could have lost and afraid that no one could truly forgive him. But he is ready to fight back. And the least we can say is that Nash is very intense... and kinky!

I really liked that Sam Crescent took more times than for Lash to settle the love story between Nash and Sophia. We can see their feelings growing for each other.

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