A Court of Mist and Fury - A Court of Thorns and Roses #2 - Sarah J. Maas

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Sum up: (Goodreads)

Feyre survived Amarantha's clutches to return to the Spring Court—but at a steep cost. Though she now has the powers of the High Fae, her heart remains human, and it can't forget the terrible deeds she performed to save Tamlin's people.

Nor has Feyre forgotten her bargain with Rhysand, High Lord of the feared Night Court. As Feyre navigates its dark web of politics, passion, and dazzling power, a greater evil looms—and she might be key to stopping it. But only if she can harness her harrowing gifts, heal her fractured soul, and decide how she wishes to shape her future—and the future of a world cleaved in two.

A Court of Mist and Fury - A Court of Thorns and Roses #2 - Sarah J. Maas

Some scenes contain sexual and violent contents that may offend sensibilities of readers.



Feyre and Tamlin are back from Under the Mountain. Three months have passed and they are now living their life, broken and utterly alone despite their engagement. Tamlin is always busy with affairs he never talks to Feyre about. She spends most of her time alone and confined in this big house in the Court of Spring. Nightmares keep them both up at night and yet, they never talk about it. 

He never woke when the nightmares dragged me from sleep; never woke when I vomited my guts up night after night. If he knew or heard, he said nothing about it.

Feyre is slowly fading until the day of her wedding. She should be happy, right? 

That was until Rhysand made a grand entrance at the ceremony to remind her of their bargain and he took her to the Court of Night. In the next few months, she spent the week with Rhysand while he helps her reading, working on her mental shields and on her powers. But one day, when she was back to the Court of Spring, everything changes. Tamlin wants nothing more but to know that Feyre is constantly safe from everyone and he decides to lock her up in his house. The least we can say is that Feyre lost it. Rhysand sends his cousin - Morrigan - to come and pick her up. 

Feyre just cannot believe that Tamlin would betray her like that after everything they've been through together. And she is just done. Done with Tamlin, done with Lucien who never dares going against Tamlin's wishes, done with the Court of Spring, done with everything.

Rhysand takes her under his wings (quite litteraly by the way) and he warns her about the war that is coming. She has a great role to play but even with Rhysand instructions and the help of his friends, will she be ready on time? Can she really trust them? And which sides will she be on?


Wow! Just wow! I don't even comprehend what just happened. All these twists and actions, I thought my heart couldn't take it.

Reminder: big spoilers ahead if you haven't read the first book. Do not read this review if you do not wish to be greatly spoiled!

This book is undescriptable. It is an emotional rollercoaster. It is beautiful, painful, hopeful, cruel... you will feel every possible human emotions.It is litteraly like no other book I have read in the past. I am truly at lack of words.

This book is about life, love, death, betrayal, hope... You slowly understand that everything is not black and white, easy and hard. You have shades of grey. Beautiful shades of grey and ugly shades of grey.

We already knew everything Feyre was capable of going through for love. She went through the worst events when trying to free Tamlin from Amarantha. But in doing so, she lost a piece of herself. She feels like she is drowning and Tamlin cannot do anything to help her. She is strong despite what she believes. She saw the worst in people and yet, she still hopes, she remains strong - even stronger, she remains vibrant and faithful to what she believes in.

I was not a pet, not a doll, not an animal.
I was a survivor, and I was strong.
I would not be weak, or helpless again.
I would not, could not be broken. Tamed.

This Feyre is completely different from the Feyre we met in the first book. This one is loyal, fierce and she does not care anymore about the blood in her hands as long as it means that her beloved ones are safe.

Tamlin has been overprotecting her, breaking Feyre even more. Both our characters are broken but love completely blinded Tamlin what his fiancée truly needed. His support, his trust, his love, his everything. He slowly becomes overbearing and intoxicating.

“He did—does love me, Rhysand.”
“The issue isn’t whether he loved you, it’s how much. Too much. Love can be a poison.”

Now that his powers are fully back, he is very different from the one he used to be. I have to admit that even though at the beginning I still liked him, he slowly began to get on my nerves and I just wanted to slap him awake. But I am still sad on how the writer turned the story. I mean Feyre and Rhysand have a great chemistry together but Feyre just sacrificed everything for Tamlin and he ends up being a jerk. I am just sad :(

Now Rhysand... it took me quite some time to get warmed up by his character. I still felt like he was the "bad guy" from the first book, always plotting against someone or trying to play games no one knows the rules to. Yet, we saw a very different side of his character: caring, loving, fierce, loyal, funny, hopeful... He always seems like he does not care what people think of him when it actually affects him deeply.

“You think I don’t know how stories get written—how this story will be written?” Rhys put his hands on his chest, his face more open, more anguished than I’d seen it. “I am the dark lord, who stole away the bride of spring. I am a demon, and a nightmare, and I will meet a bad end. He is the golden prince—the hero who will get to keep you as his reward for not dying of stupidity and arrogance.”
Rhysand truly understand what Feyre is struggling with and he is ready to help her through it. He is a true feminist in a way. She learns how to fight with her new abilities and with her body. This whole new love story was so touching because it starts with a friendship, trying to get through everything that happened and trying to anticipate the war that is yet to come, and it ended with... a mating (I warned you there would be spoilers).
I just felt like Feyre said way too quickly that she loved Rhysand. I mean, she barely knows he is her mate, she is still slightly upset with him (even though she truly shouldn't be) and paf! she is in love. I mean, you could the love growing between the two of them but she never acted on it. I even resented her when she got upset because he did not tell her straight that she was his mate. She was about to marry another guy, then she was completely broken and she still hated Rhys... If he had told her then that she was his mate, she never would have believed him. Anyway... Their love story was based on respect, love, caring, loyalty, trust, honesty and support, even through difficult times (take that Tamlin!). Their chemistry is just... too much! I felt like my heart was about to explode and I couldn't wait until they finally kiss and accept each other (and trust me, it takes quite some times).

“I’m thinking,” he said, following the flick of my tongue over my bottom lip, “that I look at you and feel like I’m dying. Like I can’t breathe.”

We also met incredible new characters: Morrigan, Amren, Azriel, Cassian... They are all like a big, united family. They were all different and yet, wonderful together. The least we can say is that they had a bad start in life. 

In this book, we saw many courts: Court of Dreams, Court of Nightmares, Court of Summer, Court of Night... The other courts felt so vibrant and alive. Especially the Court of Summer. i really like Tarquin and I feel so sorry for him after he has been played out.We traveled a lot, trust me! 

This series started as a retelling of Beauty and the Beast and yet, it feels now more like a very light Game of Thrones. But this series and this book particularly are epic. So go read it. NOW! And with that ending, you will want to start the third book straight away.


“But then she snapped your neck.”
Tears rolled down his face.
“And I felt you die,” he whispered.
Tears were sliding down my own cheeks.

“He locked you up because he knew—the bastard knew what a treasure you are. That you are worth more than land or gold or jewels. He knew, and wanted to keep you all to himself.”

“To the people who look at the stars and wish, Rhys."
Rhys clinked his glass against mine. “To the stars who listen— and the dreams that are answered.”

“If you were going to die, I was going to die with you. I couldn’t stop thinking it over and over as you screamed, as I tried to kill her: you were my mate, my mate, my mate.”

I was his and he was mine, and we were the beginning and middle and end. We were a song that had been sung from the very first ember of light in the world.

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