Dark Instincts - Phoenix Pack #4 - Suzanne Wright

01:51:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum up: (Goodreads)

It happens whenever wolf shifter Roni Axton is near Marcus Fuller: a crackle of sexual awareness that’s intoxicating…and deeply annoying. Marcus is a pack enforcer who oozes power, but Roni is lethal in her own right—nothing like the flirty females who flock around him. Even still, his possessive gaze makes one thing clear. Marcus has singled her out for seduction, and he wants to make her sit up and beg.

No matter how aloof and unfazed Roni acts, Marcus can tell she wants him. When a brutal attack by a jackal pack forces them to work together, it’s the perfect opportunity for Marcus to chip away at her defenses—until he falls into his own trap, completely unprepared for the intensity of their connection. Roni is the only one who’s ever seen past his shifter charm and discovered the man hiding beneath it. And for Marcus, claiming Roni once will mean needing her forever.

Dark Instincts - Phoenix Pack #4 - Suzanne Wright

Some scenes contain sexual and violent contents that may offend sensibilities of readers.


The fourth book of the Phoenix Pack focuses on Roni Axton - Nick's sister and the Mercury Pack's enforcer - and Marcus Fuller - an enforcer of the Phoenix Pack. Roni is the alpha's little sister and after a particular traumatic event, she spent most of her time in her wolf form than in human form. We already saw her in Carnal Secrets

Marcus loves spending time with beautiful women but his role as an enforcer is something he takes pride in. He likes bugging Roni but he also makes it clear that he wants her. But in Roni's mind, things are very different, maybe too different. Roni is a real tomboy whose mother and aunt like to make fun of. It may look like jokes but it constantly bugs Roni. Besides being a tomboy, she is also a powerful, loner, Alpha wolf, as is Marcus. Their chemistry cannot be denied and Marcus is determined to pursue Roni. But she is not the type of woman who easily agrees to be wooed. 

Roni and Marcus both have past and darkness inside them but when the Mercury Pack is attacked by a group of Jackal, the Phoenix and Mercury Packs join forces, which brings Marcus and Roni to work closely together. When Roni is personally being targeted, Marcus will stop at nothing to protect her and both wolves are caught off guards by the intensity of their connection. Can they both let go of the past beofre it's too late?


The book has quite some beginning! A group of Jackal attacks Roni, Tao, Shaya (who is pregnant) and Kye (Trey and Taryn's baby). Roni tries her best to chase them off. These are only the first pages. I loved it!

Anyway, I LOVED this book. Even better than the previous one! We heard about the event that traumatized Roni when she was a teenager that left her spending more time in her wolf form. Throughout the years, she became even fiercer but she is also soooo funny. Her relationship with Marcus is sparkly for sure! Roni is loyal but she is not really known for showing easily her love. We can even say that she is socially awkward, which makes her adorable! Examples:

“Did you know that if you get caught masturbating in Indonesia, you can be decapitated as punishment?”
“What? What did I say?”
Another one?

“For instance, I know that in Baldwin Park, no one’s allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool. And I know that it’s illegal to hunt whales in Oklahoma. Oh, and in Singapore, it’s illegal to buy or sell gum you can only have it prescribed by a doctor.”
Everyone just stared at her.

Roni isn't the only who happened to be traumatized in her childhood. Marcus grew up with "deficient" parents. Even though they both are mates, their relationship is really strange and unhealthy.

They both refuse to be overwhelmed by their pasts. When Marcus challenges Roni, she responds. They have their own flaws but together they are just perfection.

I hate to repeat myself but this series is definitely a must-read. It is funny, sexy, full of Alpha males... I am simply and totally addicted to these books! Suzanne Wright knows how to write stories and build up romance between characters. 

“As far as I’m concerned, you’re mine. I marked you and I staked a claim on you, and I wouldn’t do either of those things lightly. If you do come across your mate and recognise him, you’d better hope to God for his sake that he’s stronger than me sweetheart, or he’s dead. I’ll kill him before I let him take you.” 

The dialogues are just amazing!!! This is probably the funniest book ever in this series. Roni and Eli - her brother - love to prank each other but they take it to a whole new dimension.

He turned his glare on Roni.
“I’m now known on a global scale as a gay, submissive, kinky, mated male recovering from an STD!”
Roni tilted her head.
“If you’re looking for remorse, you can find it in the dictionary somewhere between rectum and runt.”

In the previous book, we had a glimpse of the human extremists and here, she focuses more on the conflicts between packs and the corruption that can live among the changelings packs. We also got some girls powaaa when they were in charge of the Jackal women interrogation. Trust me, it was hilarious!

Anyway, go read it already!!!!

P.S: did I tell you Roni is the only female grandma Greta like? I know, right?


“It has to be said, you’re a constant ray of sunshine, Roni.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Bite me, Fuller.”

Allowing Marcus to lead her back to the Toyota, she glanced over her shoulder at Kerrie. “You—if you come near us again, I’ll make you choke on your own ovaries. And I’ll enjoy it. What’s more, I’ll make you enjoy it. Just sayin’.”

Shaya’s chasing Nick with her shotgun—and I’m not even kidding. I believe the last words she said to him before we left were, "Run, Alpha-boy."

“Um, Roni, could you please tell me why there’s an unconscious female in the trunk of your car?”
Rubbing at his nape, Eli frowned down at the blonde.
“When you said, ‘Come see what I’ve got,’ I thought you meant new sneakers or something.”

“Why do you hate me?” griped Marcus.
Roni barely resisted the urge to whack [him] over the head. “I just want a little taste.”
“So get your own.”
“You took the last slice.”
“There are other cakes.”
“But I don’t like them. I like chocolate cake.” When he just stared at her wearing a sulky expression, she sighed. “Let me put this another way. Do you enjoy sex?”
“Then you’ll share with me, and you’ll like it.”

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