Spiral of Need - Mercury Pack #1 - Suzanne Wright

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Sum up: (Goodreads)

Ally Marshall isn’t just a wolf shifter — she’s a Seer.

But a girl doesn’t exactly need special powers to know that Derren Hudson despises her entire kind. Disdain practically rolls off the Beta of the Mercury Pack . . . disdain mixed with a healthy dose of desire. And no matter how much the ruggedly handsome male appeals to her, this is one call of the wild she’s determined to ignore.

After one betrayal too many, Derren doesn’t have much use for Seers — except for Ally.

Forced into acting as her protector, he finds himself intensely and passionately drawn to the woman who incites his primal instinct to claim.

And when enemies target the pack, Ally’s gift may be just what the Mercury Pack needs.

Can he put his distrust aside, or will he force himself to turn his back on the one woman who makes his inner beast howl?

Spiral of Need - Mercury Pack #1 - Suzanne Wright

Some scenes contain sexual and violent contents that may offend sensibilities of readers.

Before reading this book, I highly recommend you to start reading the Phoenix Pack series.


Yaaaaaay! Welcome to Nick's new pack. Most of the characters have been met during the third and fourth book of the Phoenix Pack. Remember Derren Hudson? He was Nick's best friend since juvie where they met. Nick saved his life and he decided to follow him everywhere to pay his debt. So here we are!

Derren is a wolf-shifter and the Beta of the Mercury Pack that has been formed only a few months ago by Nick and Shaya. He is very anti-social and straight forward. He is asked by Cain - another wolf-shifter who he met in juvie - to protect a dearest friend who struggles in her pack. When he tells him that this woman is a Seer, he wants nothing more than to refuse but he feels obligated and agrees. 

Allyssa "Ally" Marshall is a seer, wolf-shifter, which means she can see the future but not her own future and she can only "see" a few minutes ahead. She lost her entire pack when she was barely a child and only she and Cain survived, which brought them even closer than before. 
Ally spent her life going from one pack to another, never truly settling down until she met her boyfriend Zeke. But a few months later, he met his true mate and had to break things with Allie. She always knew that this might happen and did not take it personally. However, Rachel - Zeke's new mate and the new pack's Beta female - always felt jealousy and she decided to act on it, making Allie's life miserable. No one believes Allie when she tells her pack that she is being targeted by Rachel and she is left isolated, with no one to turn to. 

When Derren arrives to pick up Ally he is immediately drawn to her but he has to remind himself that she is a Seer and he hates Seer, even more after what happened to Ronie and Marcus. 
Even though Ally feel Derren's animosity, she prefers leaving with him rather than staying any longer in her pack. And she has to admit that there could be worse than Derren. She even is taken aback by this attraction for the Beta. 

Ally barely arrived in her new pack - the Mercury Pack - that she already felt the disdain of every member. See, the Seer can be physically hurt by people's feelings. So just imagine if you were locked in a house surrounded by people who hate you for no real reason. Only Shaya and her baby girl Willow find joy talking with Ally. 

But Ally is loyal and strong and her powers save several times some pack members, which help her fit the mold. Soon, Derren finds himself falling for the beautiful seer but isn't she already mated to Cain? Isn't it the reason for her rescue from her previous pack? Or could they have a real future together?


I ADORED THIS BOOK!!! Spiral of Need is the first book of Suzanne Wright's new series following the Mercury Pack. It is the spin-off from the Phoenix Pack, which means that we still see characters from the Phoenix Pack.

I think I love this new series even more. We still have the perfect, working formula:
Domineering Alpha-male + strong-headed, badass female = perfection.

“All mine. You got under my skin, became my obsession. There’s no going back.”
She swallowed nervously. “What do you want from me?”
“Everything you have to give. And I’ll get it.”

Do not worry, we still see Greta and Dominic and these two are just too much! Dominic's cheesy lines are so funny! I kind of want him to find his mate because I love this character and I am sure the writer could pull off a great story line, but it would also mean that he would need to easy off on the cheesy lines and I would miss them way too much! 

     Why did I love this book?

     Because Ally. I love when female characters are powerful in a book. Ally is fierce, powerful, loyal, trustworthy, loving, passionate... Witnessing her entire pack being slaughtered left a vulnerability in her eyes. 

     Because Derren. Okay, I could have put this reason as the first reason but still. Domineering Alpha-male whi knows how to express his feelings. He knows what he wants and he will do everything possible to have it.

     Because Derren and Ally together are explosive! They are hilarious, funny, sassy and both are very horny too (haha!). They constantly challenge each other.

"I'm just making my point that I don't trust Seers."
Ally smiled gently. "Admitting your problem is the first step to recovery."

So as usual, I am addicted to this series because of Suzanne Wright's writing and stories.


He bit her neck. “Fine. I love you, even if you are a pushy, interfering fucker at times.”
“And I love you, even if I do keep catching you using my razor to shave your legs.”
“One time. That happened one time.”

“I’m going to piss you off a lot, Ally. I’m going to mess up, say the wrong things, be crazy jealous, and annoy the shit out of you with how overprotective and interfering I can be. But I’ll never take you for granted, never purposely hurt you, and never betray you in any sense of the word – I swear that to you.”

"You need to seriously rethink defying me."
"And guys need to stop shoving their hands down their pants to play with their balls in public."Ally shook her head. "Some things will never change."

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