Rock Chick - Rock Chick #1 - Kristen Ashley

09:52:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum up: (Goodreads)

Indy Savage, cop's daughter, rock chick and used bookstore owner, has been in love with Lee Nightingale, once bad boy, now the man behind Nightingale Investigations, since she was five years old. No matter what ingenious schemes Indy used to capture his attention, Lee never showed an interest and Indy finally gave up. Now Indy's employee, Rosie, has lost a bag of diamonds and bad guys are shooting at him. When Indy gets involved, Lee is forced to help. Complicating matters, Lee has decided he's interested, Indy's decided she's not. But she can't seem to keep Lee out of her life when she's repeatedly stun gunned, kidnapped and there are car bombs exploding (not to mention she's finding dead bodies).

Indy's best bet is to solve the mystery of the diamonds before Lee. Lee's challenge is to keep Indy alive and, at the same time, win back her heart. 

Some scenes contain sexual contents that may offend the sensibilities of readers. 


India Savage - known as Indy - is the daughter of a cop and a mom who passed away when Indy was five. She has been in love for her whole life with Liam Nightingale - also known as Lee. She is best friend with his sister Allison Nightingale - also known as Ally - and the both of them have been in quite some trouble. 
"[Kitty Sue] had three kids of her own to look after. And two of those kids were Lee and Ally and that right there is enough said."
India Savage is a pure "rock 'n' roll chick". Combined with Ally, they are both unstoppable. Indy owns a bookstore and this is their headquarters. They always get into troubles together. So when Indy is having trouble and getting shot at because one of her employees - who sells pot - ends up with stolen diamonds from a very bad guy, her first call is for Ally. And Ally being Ally, she voluntary and subtly drags Lee into this mess. 
Why Lee? Because he is a badass guy doing some secretive security work. Oh, and also maybe because he is super freaking hot and super-protective and the type of Alpha male you don't meet in every book.
"Lee's a Bad Boy with capital Bs.[...] He had both a Mustang and a motorcycle, started smoking when he was thirteen, was rumored to be able to get a girl pregnant by just looking at her and was also voted Best Smile."
And let me tell you that Lee and Indy both have quite some spirit. Lee agrees to help Indy et ouf of this mess at one condition: she will let him sleep with her. I know, it sounds bad but she actually wants it for she has been in love with him since she was five. 
"No more waiting, no more games, no more avoiding and no more guys. You want this and I want this and it's going to happen." 
But to make that happen, he needs to save her life, especially since her enemies won't stop kidnapping her, stun-gunning her, dropping dead bodies in front of her bookstore... 

I will stop here as I don't want to spoil the whole story :) 

Little help with the main characters: 

The Nightingale family is composed with:
  • Malcolm (the father), 
  • Kitty Sue (the mother), 
  • Henry "Hank" Nightingale (the oldest), 
  • Liam "Lee" Nightingale (Indy's crush and second child of the family) and 
  • Allison "Ally" Nightingale (Indy's BFF and the baby of the family). 

Indy's neighbors:
Stevie and Tod are both drag queens and they live just next door to Indy. Tod described by Indy in one sentence:
"He is from Texas and he's a drag queen. He has quick reflexes."
Other characters:
  • Tex is the crazy cat-sitter who always waits for Indy to do something like getting kidnapped because he is always looking for some actions. 
  • Duke works for Indy and he has the reputation of hating new technologies. 
  • All Lee's boys. And let me tell you they are all Hot with a capital H! You will see more of them in the next books. 


So this book had been the very first book I had ever read from Kristen Ashley and I loved it from the beginning to the end. It is a fun, romantic and explosive read. The women are the badass even though they hook up with badass guys. In other words, the women ROCK! They are independent and yet, they do not hesitate to love wholeheartedly. For me the Rock Chick series is one of the best series ever! 

I mean, if you don't like the damsel in distress, you may not like it. The women may be independent and proud, they still need saving and only the badass of all the badass guys can save them. They can see through them straight and they know how to have their ways with them. 
There are actions all the time and when they are no action, the couples are usually trying to figure out how to be in a relationship. 

I really love Kristen Ashley's writing. It's easy and it really feels like the readers are the characters. I loved the way she depicted the characters. They all have their qualities and their defaults. Usually the women are driving the men nuts. They are feisty and strongly independent. Don't tell them what to do because they will do the opposite. 
What I liked is that - even though the women may seem sometimes childish in their decisions due to some insecurities or simply because they think they are doing the right thing - the men know what they want. Liam Nightingale knows what he wants. 

To sum it up, I was hooked as soon as I read the first lines. I absolutely adore this series and I strongly recommend it to all the readers who love contemporary romance. 

"[...] You were sleeping over there and you hit me in the chest twice and kicked me in the shin three times."


I'd heard that before.

"I'm kind of an active sleeper."

"No kidding." 

"Quit bossing me around!"


"You get in that bed yourself or I tie you to it."



"You're like my older brother."

"Is that why you tried to stick your tongue down my throat when you were fifteen?"


"And sixteen?"

"And seventeen?"
"okay, okay, I get it. Jeez"

"Fast? This wasn't fast. This was warp speed. 
Kitty Sue was staring dreamily ahead, not focused on a thing and we'd all melted into the atmosphere. She was picking wedding colors she was deciding china patterns, she was mentally knitting baby booties, she was planning hr visit to my mother's grave to impart the blissful news.

"Indy, you leave this apartment, I'll come lookin' for you."

"Jeez, we haven't even slept together and already you don't trust me."

"I've known you all your life not to mention the fact that my idiot sister is in the next room and when you two get together it's like Laurel and Hardy do Denver." 

"You know I'm saying Lee and I are taking it slow?"


"Well, I'm taking it slow, Lee wants things to go a little faster."

"I see." Ally was grinning.

"What's with the grin?" I demanded.
"Girl, you are so not gonna go slow."

"For what it's worth, I'll share my intentions. You and me, we aren't practice for the real thing. It isn't that too much is at stake with family and friends, it's because I love you. You're funny, beautiful and you care about people. I like the way you look at me, especially when you think I don't notice it. I like that we have history and our kids will have a big family and share that history because there was never a time when their Mom and Dad weren't together. Ig you were a terrible lay, I might have second thoughts but you and I are dynamite together. I intend to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. If that freaks you out, tough, because now that we've started this, there's no going' back."

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