Rock Chick Rescue - Rock Chick #2 - Kristen Ashley

06:01:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum up: (Goodreads)

Jet McAlister has a secret. Eddie Chavez has the hots for Jet (not to mention Eddie’s just plain hot). Jet has too many problems to realize that Eddie’s interested. Eddie loses patience when Jet ends her waitressing shift at a strip club with a knife at her throat. Since Eddie’s a cop, he figures he can help. Since Jet’s used to solving everyone’s problems she doesn’t want Eddie’s help.

Throw in a Dolly Parton look-alike, a gruff but lovable strip club owner, Jet’s ne’er do well father, his ne’er do well friend, Bear, Bear’s long-suffering, chain-smoking wife Lavonne and the crew from Rock Chick and you’ve got Rock Chick Rescue.

Rock Chick Rescue takes you on a wild ride with Jet, Eddie and the gang as they wrestle bad guys in a bagel shop, hit Denver’s backstreet poker tables (with big hair), and help the strippers at Smithie’s take down a would-be murderer.

Through this, Jet’s got to learn that even when life made you give up your dreams, you can still end up with the (hot) guy. Eddie’s got to rescue Jet from a bad man (so he can do better things with her) and teach her that some dreams can come true.

Some scenes contain sexual and violent contents that may offend the sensibilities of readers. 


Jet - whose real name is actually Henrietta Louise McAlister - is a twenty-eight year-old woman. She has a sister called Charlotte - but everyone calls her Lottie - and she lives with her mother Nancy. Lottie left as soon as she graduated and ended up getting a "boob job", which basically consists in "lounging on muscle cars with half her ass hanging out", which basically left Jet supporting her mother. Eight months ago her mom had a stroke that left her with her whole left side paralyzed. She lost her job, her insurance and her apartment. Jet takes care of her the best she can, which means that she has to cumulate two jobs: one at Indy's bookstore (Fortnum's) and another at Smithie's. 

Jet has two main problems: Eddie and her extreme shyness. So when the two collide, it hurts.

"I asked if you had a problem with me," he said.
"Well, yeah," I answered, my mouth disengaged from my mind.

His head bent a little further and, I kid you not, he was so close I could almost kiss him.

"What kind of problem?" he asked. [...]

"I have a little trouble with..." How could I put it? "... your kind." 

So basically, this was not the best way to put it because now, everyone thinks she is racist as Eddie had an olive skin when she actually meant the "hot kind of guy". But the Rock Chick being the Rock Chick, they quickly find out about the misunderstanding and they will stop at nothing to matchmake Eddie and Jet. 

"Christ, Jet, you should do that more often," he said.

And it is time someone steps up for Jet for her dad has come back and he is only bad news. He owes money to some really bad guys and to Marcus (yup, the Marcus we learned to love in Rock Chick Reawakening) and when her dad goes missing, all the villains will go after her to claim their dues. But the Rock Chicks are waiting for them too...

Before I could react, Tex showed up to our little circle."Thank Christ for you, Loopy Loo," he boomed, handing me a cappuccino. "Things were beginnin' to get boring around here." 


I am a huge fan of this series and of Kristen Ashley's work in general. I think this woman has a real talent to go inside people's minds. Every thoughts, every feelings, every words the characters have, it  is the exact same feelings the reader has when reading the scenes. 

I liked that other characters have been introduced in this book, such as Daisy, Mace, Vance... I have to admit that I struggle a bit with the personality of Marcus. In Rock Chick Reawakening he is so caring and loving but in the rest of the series, he is such a villain. At least when Daisy is not here. Because this woman knows how to control her man and she is so funny and refreshing. Marcus fears no one but Daisy. Did I tell you how much I love this woman? She is pure gold. The first time I read this series I was a bit off with Daisy but now she completely grew on me. She did not have a nice life and she is married to one of the most badass, illegal guy ever and yet, she is the sweetest woman. She stands for what she believes in and she does not hesitate to take risks for people she likes - even though she just met them. 

We were a couple of miles away when Indy said, "I think I tore Tod's dress, he's gonna have a shit fit.""That ain't nothin', Sugar, I think I might get a black eye, and worse, I broke a nail." Daisy said. 

I liked that Kristen Ashley gave more importance to other characters, such as Smithie, Nancy, Tex...  Smithie stole my heart in this story. He feels that Jet is having trouble meeting ends and he helps her in his own way. And trust me, no one touches a Smithie girl! His only obsession is to find a new girl to dance the pole and throughout the book he always tried to convince Jet to do so, but Jet and Eddie are not really up for it.

I liked Jet but she also got on my nerves. I can understand some parts of her personality: the lack of confidence you can encounter when you meet a hot guy, but it felt too much sometimes. She could be really funny, especially when her sister comes back to town, this scene was priceless! :D But I did not feel as attached to her as I did Indy. Sometimes I was like "Girl, just learn how to take what life gives you!" I felt like she was almost immature even though she had to be mature very early for she had to take care of her family and she started working at the age of fourteen.

Eddie was a cool guy who is not afraid to show his feelings. I loved his family, they were just so funny and so cute. He may not have had the best start with Jet but he wants nothing more than to call her his and he will not let her ruin everything. 

My body tensed when it came into contact with his from our chests down our bellies to our hips. Electricity shot through me, I tried to pull away, but one of his arms slid up my back, holding me in position while his head came down and he kissed me.It was the worst kiss in the history of the world.

I have to admit that Eddie was probably one of the bravest guy ever. He knew exactly what to do and when to do it. 

Their love story was cute but it was not as explosive as Indy and Lee's. I just felt like this story was a pale copy of the first one. This book may not be my favorite but I stil like re-reading from time to time :) 

"Lee, Sugar Bunch, looking' good, as usual." [Daisy] winked at him.
His lips twitched.

"Let me guess," Marcus said to Lee, "this one has your protection too. What? Are you building a harem?" 

Lee shook his head. 

"I think Tex and Mom are on the weirdest date in the whole history of the world."

"Shee-it, bitch. What's your problem?" Smithie shot back.

"You fired me!" I shouted.

His hands went out at his sides.

"I didn't fire you. I just put you on a fuckin' unscheduled, unpaid vacation." 

"Yeah, you fired me!" I snapped back.

"Hey Daisy."

"Hey Sugar, what're you up to?" she asked.

"Well, I think my Mom is on the longest date in history with a crazy ex-con Vietnam vet who has a shotgun, grenades, tear gas and twenty-five cats. And I got in a wet-t-shirt, knock-down, drag-out fight on the floor in Fortnum's with my sister who's just in from LA. Oh, and we did it in front of most of the boys Lee Nightingale's payroll," I said.


"Darlin', you know how to live," Daisy finally said. 

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