Rock Chick Revenge - Rock Chick #5 - Kristen Ashley

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Sum up: (Goodreads)

Ava hates men, she has reason and she’s vowed not only never to get involved with another one again but also to exact vengeance on her best friend’s, lying, cheating husband. Since Luke, Ava’s childhood crush, is now a private investigator, she thinks to enlist him but changes her mind at the last second.

Too late, Luke knows she’s up to something and he’s already seen many a Rock Chick try to fight her own battles without the Hot Bunch stepping in. He’s having none of it. She’s having none of him. The clash of the Rock Chick and Hot Guy begins but Luke’s got the advantage. He has handcuffs and he’s not afraid to use them.

Some scenes contain sexual and violent contents that may offend sensibilities of readers. 


Meet Ava Barlow, a Denver girl who has known Lucas Stark since she was eight years old. She has always been secretly in love with him for years. All these years she had been chubbier than her sisters and they always made remarks about her light overweight. She lacked confidence, which explains that she never said anything about her feelings for Luke to anyone but her best friend Sissy. Despite her growing feelings for Lucas they both always were a permanent fixture in each other's lives.
"I'm thinking' you've been mine a lot longer than that."I stopped breathing and stared at him, scared far, far more now than I had been when he was angry. His eyes roamed my face and hair again then they locked on mine."I'm thinking' you been mine since about the time your Dad left your Mom."
But five years ago - after his dad's funerals - she stopped any contact she had with him. 

Now Ava is a changed woman. She sworn off men, she lost seventy-five pounds, she has contacts and she is now blonde... and she is about to see Lucas again for a very specific mission. Luke and the Hot Bunch are the only ones who can help her out. 
I figured the Nightingale Investigations job application form had the question “Are you hot? Yes. No. If you answered no, please exit the building."
See? Sissy Whitchurch is Ava's best friend and she is married to Dominic Vincetti. Despite his hotness, he is a real jerk. He cheated on Sissy, talked to her like she was trash and he tried to seduce Ava in front of her! Sissy always had shitty taste in men but so has Ava. Due to her lack of confidence, she only dated men who cheated on her or stole from her because she thought she was not worth it. After all these bad histories with them, she sworn off of men. Well... at least that's what she thought. That was before Luke came back in the picture!
"Ava, you missed it when it happened so I’ll clue you in. Last night, around the time you fell asleep against me, you became mine."
But Ava is broken. Not like really broken but she cannot trust any man. She wants to trust Luke but she cannot help holding back from him. What if she gives him her love and he leaves her? But he is part of the Hot Bunch and these guys move fast. I mean. REAL! FAST!
For some reason, this was met with Shirleen saying, "I'll put money down that she's living' with him in four days."My confused gaze swung to Shirleen but she was looking at the movie star glamour girl who was looking at me."Three days," Glamour girl said, smiling at me and I thought, in other circumstances, I would have liked to meet her. "A week, she's got spirit," the other black lady said. She was smiling at me too, not like I was the butt of some joke, but in a kind way.I shook my head, I needed to focus, leave these nuts behind and go, go, go. I opened the outer door. Before it closed behind me, I heard Luke say strangely, "Tonight."Then everyone laughed. 
But Ava would not be a Rock Chick if she did not have a past trying to catch up with her. When Ava shared a bit of her history with her exes, Luke made it a personal mission to send - one of them in particular - a message. Let's say that this was a bad move because now, this ex-boyfriend is back and he wants revenge.
Now add to that Ava's best friend trying to divorce her husband who is also part of some kind of Italian mafia, guys falling one by one for Ava and trying out their luck, a crazy family who could drive anyone crazy, the Rock Chicks who want to help Ava the best they can... and you obtain a super nice book with lots of action, humour and hot scenes!
I picked up the phone, called his office and shoved the card in my back pocket."Nightingale Investigations," Shirleen answered. "Hey Shirleen, this is Ava Barlow, from yesterday?""Girl, how're doin' today? Heard you spent the night with Luke."I sat, stunned speechless, and stared at my computer. Then I said, "Matt's got a big mouth." "They all got big mouths, girl, learn that quick. These boys talk more than a pack of women. I lost fifty bucks on you."I was stunned speechless again, this time it didn't last long."What?""See, Lee nailed Indy the first night they were together. Not nailed her nailed her but she was in his bed. Eddie, with Jet, it took a few days. Hank and Roxie, like, a day. Vance, like three, but Jules was a virgin and he had to interrupt the festivities once to go out and shoot someone." I was blinking rapidly and feeling kind of faint at the amount and sensitivity of information Shirleen was imparting, not to mention what it might mean to me."So we had a pool. Everyone threw down money on when they thought Luke would nail you. Mace won five hundred dollars."Ho-ly crap."So," she went on. "Did he nail you nail you or did you two just sleep?"For some reason, I answered her unbelievably nosy question. "We just slept.""New pool!" she shouted.Oh my God.


First, let me tell that I am not into guys with a moustache so I skipped Luke's moustache and he was super sexy! Now back to business...

This is my favorite book of the series! Why? Because I loved that we see about Ava and Lucas' childhood. They were so cute together as children: Lucas defending Ava from kids who would not stop calling her 'Four Fatty' and Ava trying to make Luke laugh when he was in a bad mood because of his father. They were so complementary just like soulmates.
"You aren't normal people.""I am.""You're Ava.""I'm that too.""I've known you since you were eight.""So?""I've liked you since you were eight," he said.Oh! I like him again, Good Ava told me.Jump him! Rip his shorts off! Bad Ava urged.Luke kept talking over Good Ava and Bad Ava's blathering."That makes you my people."Whoa. 

All the Hot Bunch are quite protective with their Rock Chicks. But Luke... damn! He makes the Hot Bunch look like girls. 
"You’re mine to watch over, you’re mine to take care of, you’re mine to protect."
Lucas has known Ava since she was a child and liked her and he will stop at nothing to save her and make her seen that they belong together. 

I loved the pair Sissy and Ava. They were like Indy and Ally. Well, maybe not as crazy as them but they still have their own fun. I liked that Ava was already part of the Rock Chicks. She knew Ally and Indy from previous concerts they went to together. Ally and Indie just has no idea that Ava knew Luke. 

I loved Shirleen. We saw a bit more of her in this book and she was just priceless. We also were introduced to other characters, such as the Reno-Vincetti family. They are badass and I fell in love with Lorenzo. He was so cute with Ava. They looked like a dysfunctional family, which made the whole story even funnier. 
"Shit,” he said quietly. “I don’t know what’s more disturbing, you playin’ euchre with Vito Zano on Thanksgiving or thinkin’ Lorenzo Zano is ‘more hot’ than Dominic Vincetti."
Some scenes were just hilarious. Let's say that Luke loves using handcuffs and trust me, I wouldn't mind if he wanted to use them on me :P 

The ending was just amazing. Wedding, pregnancy, engagement... You have everything in this book! We know a bit more about the love story behind Mace and Stella and none of them is over it yet!

"Crap,” I whispered.“That Luke?” Riley asked, checking him out.“Yeah.”“You owe him money?” Riley asked, maybe trying to be funny but his question was too close to the bone.

"I thought I made myself clear about Riley.”
“He’s my personal trainer.”

“He wants to fuck you.”

I looked at the ceiling seeking divine intervention. When none was to be had I looked back at Luke. “He’s a friend.”

“He wants to fuck you,” Luke repeated.

“Okay then, he wants to fuck me. He’s not going to fuck me. No one’s going to fuck me.”

“I’m gonna fuck you.”

I put my hands to my hips and leaned forward, yes now Pissed Off Ava. 

It was our connection, not just our bodies but more. It was about history, it was about understanding, it was about the fact that we fit together and the fact that everything was just, simply exactly as it should be.

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