Born of Night - The League #1 - Sherrilyn Kenyon

12:46:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum up: (Goodreads)
In the Ichidian Universe, The League and their ruthless assassins rule all. Expertly trained and highly valued, the League Assassins are the backbone of the government. But not even the League is immune to corruption...

Command Assassin Nykyrian Quikiades once turned his back on the League—and has been hunted by them ever since. Though many have tried, none can kill him or stop him from completing his current mission: to protect Kiara Zamir, a woman whose father’s political alliance has made her a target.

As her world becomes even deadlier, Kiara must entrust her life to the same kind of beast who once killed her mother and left her for dead. Old enemies and new threaten them both and the only way they can survive is to overcome their suspicions and learn to trust in the very ones who threaten them the most: each other.

Born of Night - The League #1 - Sherrilyn Kenyon

Some scenes contain sexual and violent contents that may offend sensibilities of readers. 

The story focuses on Nykyrian and Kiara who are the complete opposite of each other. He is a trained assassin who has been constantly abused and bullied during his childhood and adolescence while Kiara is a princess who is also a professional dancer. She brings attention on her. 

During one of his missions, Nykyrian saves Kiara's life. Despite their differences, they feel the pull pushing them to each other. When Nykyrian hears that Kiara's life is still in danger because of her father, he decides to step in and involve his best friends to help.

But things go rarely as planned. But the closer they get, the more dangerous it becomes for the two of them to be together...

This book started and I really liked it. It was a dark atmosphere where assassins can be your worst nightmare. I liked every reference and the characters all had a dark back-story. I liked finding more and more about them. 
“Baby, it's either laugh or cry and crying takes way too much energy. If you can't find humor in the shit life heaps on you, you really will grow miserable.”
The only negative point would be Kiara. She pissed me off so many times, I lost count. She is a true brat and she cannot fathom that not everyone had a beautiful childhood like hers and she keeps on judging people who are risking their lives for her. I was very tempted from time to time to give up on my reading. But I really liked all the male characters and I just wanted to know what was going to happen to them. 

It was probably the first time that I had a real "science-fiction" romance, so I had some troubles from time to time to be completely immersed in this whole new universe. But I just pictured the Ichidian Universe like some kind of Star Wars universe and it became easier to imagine. 


He took a drink of the juice and cursed."What is this shit? Poison?""You can’t live on alcohol.""Wanna bet?""Wanna die? Drink it and quit bitching."
"You know, you’re a little hairy to be my mother."

“In your palms, I’ve placed my life, my secrets. I give you freedom to leave me at any time. I’m not easy to love. No one ever has. All I ask is that you always keep your silence, if not for me, then for the families of the others you’d destroy.”

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