Big Little Lies - HBO Miniseries Review

13:12:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Big Littles Lies ended last night and it was an amazing show. It has been adapted from the book Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. For those who do not know what it talks about, here is a little sum up. 

During an event at a public school in Monterey, an awful murder occurred. We know neither the name of the victim or of the killer. Through the witnesses testimonies, we go back through time to focus more on three women who are highly suspected in this murder: Madeline, Celeste and Jane. 

Jane is a single mother who just moved to Monterey with her son Ziggy. On the first day of school, she hit it off with Madeline whose daughter is the same age as Ziggy. Madeline introduces Jane to Celeste who also has twin boys of the same age. 

All three of them may seem to have a perfect life but it is only a facade. Madeline is on edge since her older daughter asked to live with her ex-husband and his new wife. Celeste is physically abused by her husband, Perry, who is much younger than her. Jane is a young woman who was raped and assaulted by the man who is Ziggy's father. After the first day, Ziggy is accused by a classmate of assault and bullying. 

As months pass, the three women become closer and closer and they start opening more and more about their lives but they also get more and more ennemies... 


This miniseries was so nice! I loved how it started with a murder but we have no information on who was killed and who killed him/her. Witnesses bring some small parts of stories but we understand very quickly that they are biased when it comes to share information about everyone in Monterey. Monterey is actually like a village where everyone knows each other and you cannot help but talk about people on their backs. We only have their outsiders' point of view on Madeline, Celeste, Jane, Renata and Bonnie's lives. In Monterey, everyone seems nice but don't pay attention to what it may look like. Real life is not beautiful! The only thing that is nice is the houses. I do not know where they shoot the series but I want to live on one of these houses. They are just MIND-BLOWING! 

You could say straight away that this series was directed by Jean-Marc Vallée. There is such a beautiful, well-thought aesthetic used behind every shot. All these idyllic sceneries actually hide the worst nightmares of 21st century women. All these strong women have a breaking point. Rape, physical abuse, cheating, divorce, lies... All these themes have been covered without descending into cheap pathos.

Nicole Kidman was just fabulous. She showed how sensitive and strong she could be as Celeste. Everyone envies her and yet, her life ain't perfect at all! Her relationship with Perry - her husband - is probably the most heart-wrenching point in this miniseries. We watch them tear each other apart. Perry keeps beating her every day and we feel Celeste being torn between what she should do and what she wants to do. She knows that for her safety and her children's she needs to leave but she also loves her husband. He was there when she needed him. 
Alexander Skarsgard was perfect as Perry. He embodied a very complex character. He managed so well to play the role of a psychotic husband who loves his wife and yet, who is not able to control his impulses. 

Anyway, it is a most-watch!!! 

BONUS > the soundtrack ;) 

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