Eden - Providence #3 - Jamie McGuire

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Sum Up: (Goodreads)

She had seen the unspeakable. She would learn the unknowable. Now, she would fight the invincible. In the third and final installment of the Providence series, Nina Grey will marry the wrong man, carry the child that was never supposed to be born, and fight a war she can't win. Faced with the impossible task of protecting his new wife and unborn child against the throes of Hell, Jared Ryel is allowed no mistakes. Pressured to return the Naissance de Demoniac to Jerusalem, he revisits St. Ann's to learn the answers were in front of him all along. Together, they must survive long enough to let their child save them - and the world.

Picture of Eden by Jamie McGuire


Hey, sweeties! Back for the last book of this awesome series. So it starts exactly where Requiem left off, which means that during this book we will have a wedding, a birth and looooooads of fights! Yes, you read right: this book is suspens, fear and action non-stop. Let's say that this book is like a war book because that is what is actually happening. 

So technically Jared and Nina are still homeless, thus they stay with Cynthia. Her relationship to her mother is still quite complicated. Even at her wedding, her mother would never show her feelings. Yes, you read well; wedding! So Jared and Nina finally get married on this little island called Little Corn. However the wedding does not really go as planned. Michael interrupts the ceremony to seek redress for the murder of his Taleh (by Nina if you remember well). Nina fights for Jared and he is find innocent. They resumed the wedding and then come back to Providence. 

The first few months go very smoothly. But the closer Nina gets to her term, the tougher the demons become. At least, being pregnant of her guardian angel gives her some awesome "powers". She is now as tough as Claire, thus she can take care of herself. But even this is not enough and their trip to Jerusalem to bring back Shax's book has to be moved forward. Yes, the Sepulchre is actually the only safe place for Nina to be. 

The flight and the trip to the Sepulchre is not easy. It is a real war zone and unfortunately, some good lives will be lost... Trust me, little lambs, this book is quite a ride! Better be ready!


I cannot believe that this was the last book and that I will never read about Jared anymore! (sigh!) Our Jared is still completely and utterly in love with Nina (even if sometimes he is too soft with her, he should stand up for himself and fight a bit with Nina. Anyway...). They are stronger than before (please gimme a Jared!)

“What can I say to you that I haven't already said? What can I give you that I haven't already given? Is there anything of me that isn't yours already? My body, my mind, my heart, even my soul. Everything that is me belonged to you long before this, and it shall be yours long after this. I will follow you anywhere and everywhere you lead. I will keep you and anyone created with our love safe from all harm. From this day on, I choose you, my beloved, to be my wife. To live with you and laugh with you; to stand by your side, and sleep in your arms; to bring out the best in you always, and, for you, to be the most that I can. I promise to laugh with you in good times, to struggle with you in bad; to wipe your tears with my hands; to comfort you with my words; to mirror you with my soul; and savor every moment, happy or sad, until the end of our lives and beyond.” 

From the beginning to the half of the book I really appreciated Nina because she is more in tune with Jared and she actually listens to what he is telling/asking her to do. But then, from the other half until the end she becomes that annoying spoiled brat again and this time, her actions will have some disastrous consequences (especially at the end!). I mean, I can understand that she is completely stressed but I was really infuriated!!!

Claire and Ryan are (despite everything) such a funny couple. He likes bugging Claire and it becomes just hilarious. No matter how many times she tries to push him back, he is positive that they were made for each other. 

“Ryan held out his hands. "What the hell is this? Beat The Shit Out Of Ryan Week?" "I didn't think you'd mind, since you're always insisting upon getting yourself hospitalized,"Claire said.Ryan's face screwed into disgust. "That was uncalled for.""The truth hurts, baby."He smiled. "If you're going to talk to me like that, you can insult me all day long."Claire pulled her car keys from her pocket, and then pulled on Ryan's hand. "I meant that you're a baby. It wasn't a term of endearment.""Yeah, right.” 

I think we can say that this series - before being even a book about Heaven and Hell - was a series about first love: how they met, how they fell in love, their first kiss, their first date... Their first everything! The fear of blindly jumping in a relationship and all the challenges on the way before being able to fully enjoy your relationship. Well, in this book the characters never go to school and still manage to have amazing marks. I would not advise anyone to do that but for the rest, it was a book you could definitely relate to. 

This series (even though it may not be perfect) is a must-read for all the fans of YA fictions.

Tags: book, books, book review, blog, blogger, book blogger, book community, young adult, literature, fiction, Jamie McGuire, Providence, Eden

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