Losing It - Losing It #1 - Cora Carmack

09:27:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum Up: (Goodreads)

Sick of being the only virgin among her friends, Bliss Edwards decides the best way to deal with the problem is to lose it as quickly and simply as possible - a one-night stand. But her plan turns out to be anything but simple when she freaks out and leaves a gorgeous guy alone and naked in her bed with an excuse that no one with half-a-brain would ever believe. And as if that weren't embarrassing enough, when she arrives for her first class of her last college semester, she recognizes her new theatre professor. She'd left him naked in her bed about 8 hours earlier.

Picture of Losing It by Cora Carmack

Some scenes contain sexual contents that may offend the sensibilities of readers.


Soooooo... I had already read this book before and while I was waiting for my food at a restaurant, I was looking for a book to read on my e-reader. I saw Losing It and I was like "I remember this one!". I started reading again and I completely forgot how good it was.

Basically, Bliss is a student in her senior year. She is a virgin and even though it does nit bother her that much, she also convinces herself that the moment has come to cross that step. Kelsey - her best friend - insists that they go out so Bliss can pick out a guy and do THE thing. There, Bliss meets Garrick, an incredible handsome guy with a British accent. If I believed in love at first sight, my little sweeties, I would say they had a true love at first sight. She decides he is THE one (I feel you, girl!).

“He smiled, and I knew… I was in trouble.” 

He brings her back home and she realizes that they actually live in the same building (coïncidence? I don't think so!). Things escalate pretty quickly, leaving the reader in a constant sensual atmosphere (trust me, this Garrick dude knows what he is doing). Unfortunately, Bliss chickens out and leaves him alone and naked.

Bliss freaks out and she decides to lie to her best friend the next day by telling her that she finally did it. Poor Bliss though, she did not plan on bumping into Garrick again as her drama teacher, because yes, he is a new teacher in her school (awkward!). He did not forget her and neither did she (I mean how could you forget the hot teacher you had in your bed less than 24 hours ago).

“What are you thinking, Bliss?”I should have said, you. Naked. That would have shocked him. Not that I was actually thinking of him naked… well, now that I mentioned it I was… damn.” 

As their chemistry reaches its peak, making it more and more difficult to hide their feelings, Cade - Bliss' best friend - reveals that he had secret feelings for her since they were young. Bliss has to take a decision: hot Garrick, even though it would threaten his position as a teacher and hers as an actress, or sweet Cade?


I loooooved this book. I had forgotten how the chemistry between Bliss and Garrick is hot. They both want to deny how they care about each other but they just can't.

It was also a funny book because of the situation between the two characters just after their meeting. How do you behave yourself when you realize that the guy you left naked in your bed is your new teacher?

Bliss was a cute, funny girl. She really likes her teacher but how do you love someone when it can be a threat for him? Isn't it better to just go with your best friend, the person you have known for years?

Garrick was such my typical guy. He was cute, sweet, caring, loveable... His British accent just made things even better.

Cora Carmack has such a nice writing. She juggles with a serious tone about the whole virginity story and a funny tone, full of current references:

"Was he trashing my place because I'd run out and left him there like the biggest jerk this side of Kanye West at the 2009 VMA's?"
She really one how to build the sexual tension between Garrick and Bliss. By the time something happened, I was already boiling.

For sure, this book is a must-read if you like romance.


1st one:
“Sex.I was going to have sex.With a boy.A hot boy.A hot BRITISH boy.Or maybe I was going to throw up.What if I threw up on the hot British boy?What if I threw up on the hot British boy DURING SEX?”

2nd one:
“Four. That’s the number of people who saw me hiding around the corner from my own apartment in just a skirt and a bra. Eleven. That’s the number of ant bites I got on my shoeless feet. Twenty-seven. That’s the number of times I was tempted to do myself physical harm because I am an IDIOT. One. That’s the number of times I tried not to cry, but failed.” 
Tags: book, books, book review, blog, blogger, book blogger, book community, romance, literature, fiction, Losing It, Cora Carmack

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