Requiem - Providence #2 - Jamie McGuire

15:07:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum Up: (Goodreads)

Dreaming of the dead might mean a restless night for anyone, but for Nina Grey it was a warning. 

Still healing from her last run-in with Hell, Nina struggles with not only her life as a Brown University student, but also as an intern at Titan Shipping, her father's company. Recurring nightmares about her father's violent death have become a nightly event, but being overwhelmed with guilt from Ryan's unexpected departure to the Armed Forces, and heart ache over Claire being across the ocean to protect him, Nina believes her sleepless nights are the least of her problems—but she's wrong.

Worried about Nina's declining health, Jared must steal back Shax's book for answers. Fighting new enemies, and with the help of new friends, Jared's worst fear comes to fruition. Desperate, he is faced with a choice: Fight Hell alone, or start a war with Heaven.

Picture of Requiem by Jamie McGuire


And here we are, back with our favorite YA couple! It starts almost right after the end of the first book and unfortunately, it looks like Jared and Nina do not have time to catch a breath. Nina is now an intern in her own company where she is also CEO, she has classes and she also needs to understand what lies behind her nightmares. Yes, you are right! Every night Nina has been having quite some awful nightmares where Gabe and Jack steal Shax’s book. They keep saying that it is to save Nina. The ending is always the same: Jack dies in the most awful way: torn apart by demons.  
Time passes and the nightmares gain in intensity.  Jared needs to find a solution very quickly. Thus, he stops at nothing to try to take back Shax’s book to find out which prophecy concerns Nina and how he can help her. With Kim’s help (yes, she is actually not really human), they will stop at nothing to get this book and bring it back to Jerusalem where it will remain unreachable for Shax and at the same time, read it to understand what the new threat is.
But the mission is getting harder and harder when Heaven won’t step up and they will cross paths of other guardian angels from the bad side (yes, there are also guardian angels for bad guys. Unfair, right?). If they kill one of them, they may face a war with Heaven. Do you get the picture?

So between flats burning down, nightmares going on and on, friends who reveal themselves… It is quite tough to remain sane. Oh! And there is a little cliffhanger at the end that makes us want to read the third book straight!


I enjoyed this book! This second one is clearly setting up what is about to come on the last book of this series. It is much darker (that is to say full of demons) and more intense than the first one. We finally see some real demons getting mad.
This book is not only centered about the romance between Nina and Jared but also between Claire and Ryan. You do remember that Ryan left for the army at the end of the first book, right? Well, now Claire has to protect him at the other side of the world. Unfortunately, she steps up to save his life and he becomes intrigued and persistent about who she truly is, which gives us some funny scenes.

“So you would literally take a bullet for me.""No," Claire said, with zero emotion."No?" Ryan said, surprised at her answer.Claire rolled her eyes, annoyed that she had to answer. "If I have time to stand in the way of a bullet, you have time to move.” 

Bex is also getting more and more important. He brings so much fun in the history. He is kind, adorable and obedient. We also find out a new side of Kim in this book to but I felt like it did not go enough in-depth. However, Beth is still the same funny best friend as ever and the only true human not knowing what is going in Nina’s life.

The dreams were the whole plot of this book. They gave rhythm to the story. 

“Jared and Bex stood next to the bed with terror in their eyes.“She was at least four feet above the bed!” Bex said, his eyes wide. “Has that happened before?”“No,” Jared said, his expression exponentially more intense than the agonized look I had been accustomed to waking up to. He was afraid.
“Above the bed?” I asked, confused.Bex sat on the bed and watched me for a moment, then took the sheet and wiped the sweat from my hairline. “You were seriously hovering! It was something straight out of the Exorcist!”

The only negative point in this book was Nina's personality that would upset me. She is very demanding in her relationship with Jared and slightly selfish too. She expects everyone to do as she asks. She is in love with Jared but she still wants Ryan to love her.  

Anyway this book is still a nice follow-up to the first one. You do not have much Heaven, but you have a lot of Hell (which is really nice, trust me!). You have fights coming from everywhere, mystery until the end and finally… the big revelation! Now, let’s start the book n°3 (and the last one!).

Tags: book, books, book review, blog, blogger, book blogger, book community, young adult, literature, fiction, Providence, Requiem, Jamie McGuire

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