Hold On Tight - Sea Breeze #8 - Abbi Glines

05:22:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum Up: (Goodreads)

Six years ago, Dewayne Falco's life changed. He lost someone he never expected to lose. Resigned to punish himself for something he felt he could have prevented, he goes through life without getting too close to anyone.

What he didn't expect was for the girl across the street to move back home and remind him of what they both lost: Dewayne's younger brother Dustin. However, when a miniature version of Dustin opens the door to greet him, Dewayne realizes he might not have lost everything after all.

Sienna Roy loved Dustin Falco most of her life. He was the boy next door, the high school basketball star and her best friend. But when his life was cut short, she realized he left a part of himself behind.

Now, she's back in Sea Breeze, thankful to have a home for her and Dustin's son, but not sure if she can ever forgive the people across the street who abandoned her when she needed them the most — The Falcos.

Betrayal, lies, and forbidden attraction might end Dewayne and Sienna's story before it's even begun.

Abbi Glines and her serie “Sea Breeze” really was one of my favorite when I was younger and sometimes, when I’m feeling nostalgic I read her books again. 

Picture of Hold On Tight by Abbi Glines

Every book of this serie can be read a stand-alone book. Some scenes contain sexual contents that may offend the sensibilities of readers.


Let me introduce you to the beautiful and heartbreaking story of Dewayne and Sienna’s story. Sienna has always been Dustin’s girl. They were madly in love (at least, that’s what we thought).  But then, Dustin died in an accident. He was Dewayne’s brother, Sienna’s love and he died. She found out at that time that she was pregnant. Her parents – ashamed – decided to send her away without letting her the chance to say goodbye. But now, six years later she is back in her hometown where Dewayne and his family still live.

Lies, misunderstandings, manipulation… Sienna thought Dustin’s parents gave up on her when she sent them pictures of her and Dustin’s son: Micah. This little guy was so funny throughout the book! Then, she finds out that they actually loved her and always have. They want Micah and Sienna to be part of their life.

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Stain - My Soul to Wake #1 - Tara Oakes

08:18:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum Up: (Goodreads)



True love. 



She was taken from him in the cruelest way... condemned, sentenced and punished out of fear of the unknown. How is he supposed to live without her? How can he go on knowing that in this life, they will never be one again? There's only one thing to do... only one option that will bring them together again. 


Leah is taken on a weekend excursion with her best girlfriends to let loose, relax and have a little fun. (...) [But] something seems familiar about the town. The trees, the winds, the feel of everything.  (…) When she meets a handsome stranger who's eager to know her in a way no one else can, she begins to think there just may be something more to this place, something more to him. 

Will has been waiting, biding his time, and praying that she'll come back. He's broken the natural order of things to possibly find her again, weaving their way through the years until they can be together again. He knows he may never find her, but he can't risk not trying. This place calls to her, just as it did to him. It will bring her back home. It will bring her back to him. 


Picture of Stain by Tara Oakes

Some scenes contain sexual contents that may offend the sensibilities of readers.


Okay, so this is how our story begins: you have a twenty-three year-old woman who has been having nightmares since the day she was born. Her parents brought her to specialists, psychologists… No one ever knew what was going on. So it remained her family secret. She never went to sleepovers and she never let herself date boys (imagine the situation: being awaken every night by your girlfriend who has nightmares… You may valuate more your sleep than your girlfriend). Anyway, her two best friends – who are the only ones to know about her nightmares – decide to take her in a road trip in Salem. Their first night out, they meet Will, a beautiful hot guy! Leah and Will obviously feel an attraction between the two of them and they decide to see each other again the next day.

Also, Nina and Courtney – Leah’s best friends – convinced Leah to go see a psychic with them. And nothing happens as it should have happened. After all, what could happen, right?

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Delirium - Delirium #1 - Lauren Oliver

00:16:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum Up: (Goodreads)

Ninety-five days, and then I'll be safe. I wonder whether the procedure will hurt. I want to get it over with. It's hard to be patient. It's hard not to be afraid while I'm still uncured, though so far the deliria hasn't touched me yet. Still, I worry. They say that in the old days, love drove people to madness. The deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both when you have it and when you don't. 

I discovered Lauren Oliver with the Delirium saga and since then, I have been in love with all her books. 

Picture of Delirium by Lauren Oliver


What is Delirium about? It deals with a world that looks like ours but is completely different. Love is considered as the worst scourge ever. Since she was child, she was brainwashed and with the mother’s suicide when she was younger because she couldn’t go over the loss of Lena’s father, she shared the same belief as her society. She is eager to finally undergo this surgery that is completed on eighteen year-old teenagers to remove the love gene called “deliria”.
Scared of becoming her mother, Lena lives for rules. On the other hand, her best friend Hana lives on the borders of legality. She is the funny and outgoing character. She pushes Lena to follow her and stop living only for rules.
Because of her she is about to meet Alex. And after this, nothing will ever be the same.

“Everyone is asleep. They’ve been asleep for years. You seemed… awake.” Alex is whispering now. He closes his eyes, opens them again. “I’m tired of sleeping.”

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The Fault in our Stars - John Green

14:51:00 Victoria 0 Comments

Sum Up: (Goodreads)

Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten.

I remember having this book in my library for quite a while. I also read it two years ago, but anyway… You know, usually I need to be in a very special depressed mood to read a book that I know is definitely going to deal with a very heavy topic. Children with cancer is for sure one of these topics. So I started this book being a little bit depressed and in the perfect mood to actually read it. So I started and... MY! GOD! Didn’t I laugh and cry at the same time! 

Picture of The Fault in our Stars by John Green


Okay, so let me settle down the beginning, the first very few pages. “Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death.” (See what I mean now about this book?) Anyway! Hazel is a seventeen year-old teenager who has been living with cancer her whole life. Lately, her mum presumes she is depressed because of the reasons told a few sentences before. Besides, Hazel tried to keep in touch with her high school best friend, but every time they see each other it’s more awkward than anything else. 

Thus, after some persuasion, Hazel decides to humor her mum and goes to Support Group. There, she meets Isaac – a boy who has a cancer from the eyes – and Augustus – who suffered osteosarcoma cancer. Isaac already lost one eye and is about to lose the other one, condemning him to blindness. But instead of taking this in a very tragic tone, John Green turns into a very humoristic tone. I know what you are wondering: how could you possibly take this with humour?! Wait and see, little lambs!

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Wildest Dreams - Fantasyland #1 - Kristen Ashley

11:50:00 Victoria 3 Comments

Sum Up: (Goodreads)

Seoafin "Finnie" Wilde was taught by her parents that every breath was a treasure and to seek every adventure she could find. And she learns this lesson the hard way when they perish in a plane crash. But she never forgets and when she discovers there is a parallel universe where every person has a twin, she finds a witch who can send her there so she can have the adventure of a lifetime.

But upon arrival in the Winter Wonderland of Lunwyn, she realizes she's been played by her twin and finds herself walking down the aisle to be wed to The Drakkar.


Okay, so this book is one of my favorite, but it is also thanks to the writer who is the best writer ever. I really do love everything she writes. All her books are so different and yet so good. Here Kristen Ashley meets Fantasy. We are talking here about elves and dragons. You know, stuff we can see every day!

Picture of Wildest Dreams by Kristen Ashley

Some scenes contain sexual contents that may offend the sensibilities of readers. 

To sum up, Seoafin “Finnie” Wilde is the kind of badass girl who cannot cope with her parents’ deaths and try purposely to put herself in danger (or maybe nearly getting stampeded by elephants is funny, who knows?). Anyway, she is going to meet a crazy (or maybe not that crazy) woman who tells her there is a parallel universe where she has a doppelgänger and her parents are still alive. Of course – adrenaline junkie as she is – she is willing to give everything to go there.  But her friends are reluctant (must say that paying 1 million dollars to go there would be a pain for everyone but Finnie).

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