Wildest Dreams - Fantasyland #1 - Kristen Ashley

11:50:00 Victoria 3 Comments

Sum Up: (Goodreads)

Seoafin "Finnie" Wilde was taught by her parents that every breath was a treasure and to seek every adventure she could find. And she learns this lesson the hard way when they perish in a plane crash. But she never forgets and when she discovers there is a parallel universe where every person has a twin, she finds a witch who can send her there so she can have the adventure of a lifetime.

But upon arrival in the Winter Wonderland of Lunwyn, she realizes she's been played by her twin and finds herself walking down the aisle to be wed to The Drakkar.


Okay, so this book is one of my favorite, but it is also thanks to the writer who is the best writer ever. I really do love everything she writes. All her books are so different and yet so good. Here Kristen Ashley meets Fantasy. We are talking here about elves and dragons. You know, stuff we can see every day!

Picture of Wildest Dreams by Kristen Ashley

Some scenes contain sexual contents that may offend the sensibilities of readers. 

To sum up, Seoafin “Finnie” Wilde is the kind of badass girl who cannot cope with her parents’ deaths and try purposely to put herself in danger (or maybe nearly getting stampeded by elephants is funny, who knows?). Anyway, she is going to meet a crazy (or maybe not that crazy) woman who tells her there is a parallel universe where she has a doppelgänger and her parents are still alive. Of course – adrenaline junkie as she is – she is willing to give everything to go there.  But her friends are reluctant (must say that paying 1 million dollars to go there would be a pain for everyone but Finnie).

Anyway, the deal is done and here she is, in Lunwyn a snow-covered country at the top of the Northlands, where magic is everything there is and more. But nothing goes as planned (otherwise it wouldn’t be funny!) First, she is a princess (why not) and secondly, she is supposed to marry The Drakkar now (ugh! What?!)…  Frey Drakkar is the king of elves and dragons (pretty cool, right?) but he looks creepy as hell at first glance. Then, he doesn’t look creepy anymore but smoking hot. If you’ve seen Game of Thrones and Drago’s character, that’s exactly how I picture the Drakkar (by the way, Drakkar means Dragon… coincidence?). Anyway, get prepared to drool over his character. Scared and bored out of her mind (yeah! Let’s say that wedding ceremonies are not the best parties ever), she tries to make some jokes to her husband to enlighten the atmosphere, but it doesn’t really work. Best, he’s just more pissed off (well done!).

After the ceremony, he manhandles her and takes her to a small filthy and dirty cottage. And then he leaves her there while he’s leaving for two months (what!?). But after sailing during two months, he comes back and realizes that maybe this woman – who wants to be called Finnie and has more friends than she possibly can – may not be the real Seoafin he was supposed to marry. And maybe this one is worth the pain…

I won’t tell you more about it. I freaking loved this book. It was heartbreakingly beautiful. The writer did such a good job to bring the reader into this fairytale. It was as if you really were there, feeling the snow on your skin, being as afraid as the Finnie… I really did love Finnie because she was the kind of woman who grabs life by the horns and she is not the sappy little princess. Here she fights for what she wants and what she thinks is right.

Drakkar… Uuuuh! I can hear myself sigh just hearing his name. He is pretty rude at first but when he starts knowing Finnie, HE. IS. THE. BEST. I fell in love with him straight, even though he did some nasty things to Finnie. Things I don’t really know how she could forgive him so easily. But it’s only my opinion, right?

"I love you, Frey. I'm in love with you. So in love,  I'll never stop loving you. Not ever. You, everything about you is beyond my wildest dreams."
Together, there are just more than awesome!!!

"You are, my wee Finnie, beyond my wildest dreams"
Now dare telling me you don't want to read it and melt down under Frey's words. One piece of advice maybe? Yeah! Just read it!

Tags: book, books, book review, blog, blogger, book blogger, book community, romance, erotic, fantasy, paranormal, magic, literature, fiction, Wildest Dreams, Fantasyland, Kristen Ashley

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